make him known
by Bishop Daniel Felipe
After three and a half years of pouring into His disciples and revealing Himself to them, Jesus gives them the ultimate responsibility, to go to all men, from all nations and languages, from all cultures and subcultures, from all layers of the socio-economic landscape, and make disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them. The simple yet profound responsibility to make known to the world what He had made known to them; Who He Was!
The gospel of John has at its very core making Jesus known as the son of God, and God himself. Through out the pages of his gospel John does not shy away from each one of Jesus’ statements of identity, where the son of God emphatically and unapologetically makes known who He is; The Bread of Life (6:35, 48, 51), The Light of the World (8:12, 9:5), The Door of the Sheep (10:7, 9), The Good Shepherd (10:11, 14), The Resurrection and The Life (11:25), The Way, The Truth, and The Life (14:6), and The Vine (15:1).
The purpose of the incarnation was so that I could get to fellowship with Him, and to get to know Him in a much deeper level than simply a rational knowledge. He wanted me to have a relational knowledge of Him; not an explanation of Him but rather an experience of Him.
Every single action word of the great commission implies the sharing of a knowledge that is obtained through fellowship and relationship. Since our fallout in the Garden, God has longed for bringing man back to a relational knowledge of Him. In the unfolding of His perfect plan God makes himself known through the person of Jesus Christ, and He then entrusts us with the desire of His heart, and the antidote for our broken condition; knowing Him for who He is!
It is with this understanding that we will embrace the true essence of Jesus’ Great Commission. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God made known until it covers Texas. Our ultimate desire is to fulfill the great commission by making the name of Jesus Christ known in every corner of our land, not only intellectually through sound biblical discipleship, but also relationally through genuine fellowship. We will strive to make Him known.