Camp rules are designed to preserve an atmosphere of Christian growth, maintain a high standard of conduct and to insure the safety of the campers. Camp is a happy, positive place.
Campers will not be allowed to leave the campground without permission from the deans and/or directors. Campers are required to attend all camp activities and to be on time.
After lights out, campers should not leave the dorm/cabin without permission from a cabin leader to ensure their personal safety.
All medications, prescription or over-the-counter drugs must be given to the Camp Nurse when you arrive. Campers are not allowed to keep any medications with them or in their personal belongings. The Camp Nurse must dispense all medications. Report any illness or injury to the Camp Nurse immediatley.
Use of profanity, possession/use of fireworks, matches, lighters, tobacco products, illegal drugs, or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and will be considered grounds for immediate expulsion from campground.
Dress Code: Please bring appropriate clothing. Clothing must not be too tight, too loose or too short as to be revealing and/or a distraction. Clothing must not exhibit vulgar, profane or obscene statements. Camping Ministry Administration reserves the right to correct clothing concerns.
Don't bring weapons, Radios, Cell Phones, IPods/IPads, Computers, Valuables, Pets or Snacks/Drinks. Camp Lost Pines is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
Respect camp property. Damage to camp property will result not only in possible expulsion from camp, but liability to the parents/guardians.
Visitors must register with the Camp Secretary and/or Camp Director and must agree to abide by the camp rules.. Texas Department of Health Services (DSHS) requires overnight visitors to have a background check and a current Child Protective Training Certificate on file at the campground.
No inappropriate behavior, fighting or bullying will be tolerated. This also includes PDA.
No guys in the girls dorm/cabin and No girls in the guy's dorm/cabin! Campers are not allowed to sit in their vehicles after being registered as a camper.