"fisher of men" scholarship
Invite (4) four new friends who have never attended Camp Lost Pines and receive your tuition free.
Friends must include campers name that invited them in "Invited By" box on registration/application form and attend a current season camp session.
Camper will receive tuition refund after all (4) four friends have attended their week of camp.
We do not want financial concerns to hinder any child from attending camp this summer. Campership Funds are available where there is a need. These funds are granted on a first-come, first-served, qualified basis. Our financial aid request form is available online. Download the form by clicking on "Financial Aid" button. Follow form instructions on how to submit the form.
Sponsorship Donations
Donations to sponsor campers in need will be accepted and appreciated. If you would like to sponsor a child to go to summer camp, you may send your tax-free donations to
Camp Lost Pines Campership Fund Program
634 Saipan Pl.
San Antonio, TX 78258
Please do not specify an individual camper as these funds will be available to help those applying for the Campership Fund Program. Please designate on your check that the donation is for the Camp Lost Pines Campership Fund Program.